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球场灵魂 网游《街头篮球》后卫攻略

An online the defender strategy "stadium soul

2016-09-19 00:08:10来源: 新浪

《街头篮球》是一款竞技性非常高的对抗游戏,游戏内的职业分工非常明确,前一期的新手教学中,小编简单介绍了如何选择职业,今天将会详细的介绍后卫这个非常重要的职业,后卫就是球场上的灵魂。 【组织or得分? 这是一个问题】 这是一个显而易见的问题,绝大多数玩家在转职的时候会去选择得分后卫...

"Street basketball" is a very high competitive rivalry game, the game of professional division of labor is very clear, the previous issue of the new teaching, small make up simply introduces how to choose a career, today will be detailed introduction defender this very important professions, defender is the soul of the pitch. 【 organizations or score? This is a problem 】 this is an obvious question, the vast majority of players to choose to change your job when shooting guard...

标签: 网游