新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产VRFPS游戏《量子行者》将于年底上市


Domestic VRFPS game "quantum walkers" will be listed at the end of the year

2016-09-17 19:01:15来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 你可能还没有听说过这款VR游戏,不过很快你就会因其超高的游戏性而着迷。《量子行者》最近才刚刚成功地发起了Steam青睐之光活动,这款游戏的开发商是国内的幻维互动游戏工作室,他们最近发布的一个游戏预告片向我们展示出这款游戏迷人之处。 你可能还没有听说过这款VR...

17173 news leads You may not have heard of the VR games, but soon you will be fascinated by its ultra high gameplay. The quantum walkers have only recently launched successfully Steam favor the light of the activities, the game's developers is a phantom d interactive game studio, they recently released a game trailer fascinating show us out of the game. You may not have heard of the VR...

标签: 游戏 PS VR