新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第一季度网游收入排名:DOTA2排名第七


An online income ranked in the first quarter: DOTA2 ranked seventh

2016-09-17 10:32:17来源: 游久网

导读superdata近期公布了2016年第一季度全球网游营收的排行榜,其中LOL,CF和DNF腾讯的御三家依旧是常年前三,魔兽世界在年初版本不景气的情况下还能排名第四,此外梦幻西游成为唯一上榜的国产游戏。.. superdata近期公布了2016年第一季度全球网游营收的排行榜,其中...

Takeaway superdata recently announced the first quarter of 2016 global revenue ranking, LOL, CF and DNF tencent's royal three remains the top three, all the year round in early versions of world of warcraft cases can also ranked fourth, moreover fantasy westward journey to become the only domestic game. .. Superdata recently announced the first quarter of 2016 global revenue ranking, including...

标签: 网游 DOTA