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半年报再创佳绩 三七互娱持续领跑

Half annals record Notoginseng entertainment continue to lead

2016-08-23 13:45:39来源: 天极网

2016年上半年,泛娱乐产业仍在升温,这个在去年已突破4000亿元市场规模的产业已经对标万亿级别市场。庞大的泛娱乐正面战场也不再拘泥于移动平台,大小屏幕在这个产业生态中都能找到自己的最佳切入点,甚至VR也开始挑大梁成为泛娱乐产业链中不可或缺的一环。 眼下不论是手机、PC还是电视,都能...

In the first half of 2016, the entertainment industry is still in the heating, the last year has topped 400 billion yuan market scale of industry has been the standard level of trillions of market. Large pan entertainment positive battlefield is no longer constrained by the mobile platform, screen size can be found in this industry, ecological the best breakthrough point of VR are also beginning to lead even become a indispensable part of the entertainment industry chain. Cell phone, PC, or whether it is television, can...

标签: 三七互娱