新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三七互娱联合创始人曾开天:耐心本地化成就海外..


Notoginseng entertainment co-founder had open a day: each patient localization achievements abroad..

2016-05-30 14:09:21来源: 265G

随着国内游戏市场的逐渐饱和,海外市场越来越为国内厂商所关注,向海外发展的需求也越来越强,作为最早的一批出海探险者之一的三七互娱在海外市场取得了相当不错的成绩。近日,有幸专访了三七互娱联合创始人曾开天先生,曾开天先生谈了谈三七互娱的海外发展路程以及对海外市场的看法。 1、当时是在一个怎么...

As the domestic game market gradually saturated, the overseas market is more and more attention by domestic manufacturers, the development of overseas demand is becoming more and more strong, as one of the earliest a batch of sea explorers of notoginseng and entertainment in the overseas market has achieved fairly good results. Recently, had the privilege of an interview with the notoginseng entertainment Mr Co-founder had open a day, once Mr Kaitian talked notoginseng mutual entertainment road of overseas development and thought of overseas markets. 1, how it was in a...

标签: 三七互娱