新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三七互娱东南亚重磅出击 《六龙御天》召开上市记..

三七互娱东南亚重磅出击 《六龙御天》召开上市记..

Notoginseng mutual entertainment southeast Asia front-loaded "six dragon royal day" a listed. Remember.

2016-06-07 12:33:44来源: 新浪

日前,被誉为全亚洲第一国战手游的《六龙御天》(Loong Craft)在泰国曼谷召开东南亚上市记者会。据悉,在记者发布会之前,《六龙御天》已在新马市场取得IOS和GOOGLEPLAY游戏畅销排行榜双榜登顶的好成绩,并于5月下旬正式登陆泰国市场,而在六月份,该游戏的英文版本也将在印度尼西亚...

A few days ago, is known as Asia's first frequents mobile game of "six dragon royal day" (Loong Craft) listed press conference held in Bangkok, Thailand in southeast Asia. Before it is reported, at the press conference, "six dragon royal day" has set up a new horse in market IOS and GOOGLEPLAY game bestseller lists double topped a list of good grades, and land in Thailand market official in late may, and in June, the English version of the game will also be in Indonesia...

标签: 三七互娱