新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三七互娱25亿收购三大影视、游戏公司 IP+VR深化..

三七互娱25亿收购三大影视、游戏公司 IP+VR深化..

Notoginseng mutual entertainment 2.5 billion acquisition of three big film and television, game company IP + VR deepening..

2016-08-04 15:26:41来源: 和讯网

摘要7月初,火爆朋友圈的PokemonGo之所以能成功,是千万粉丝在这一超级IP重沉淀下来的情感在AR式游戏新玩法中得到了爆发。PokemonGo的风靡,证明了VR /AR能引爆潜藏于IP之中的商业价值,而这将成为引爆整个产业链的关键。 停牌近5个月的三七互娱(002555)近日...

In early July, the hottest friends PokemonGo can success, IP is tens of millions of fans in this super heavy precipitation of emotion in the new play AR type game. PokemonGo hit that VR/AR can lurk in the IP's commercial value, and it will be detonated a key of the entire industrial chain. Suspended nearly 5 months of notoginseng and entertainment (002555) recently...