新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一周大事件:制服少女与枪 吾皇Saber荣光

一周大事件:制服少女与枪 吾皇Saber荣光

Week of events: uniform girl with a gun My glory imperial Saber

2016-08-13 22:50:54来源: 4399


Hope the stars hope the moon weekend days, eventually came this week, have you ever been the favorite of the painting style of QingJi spicy eyes for the Olympics? Made love sauce, water archenemy, 90 after the UP maybe is the hope of his country, you can look, have to live in the process of saying "wait for me a few minutes, I'll play". But when I see the Olympic athletes suffered injustice, very anxious to use the power of the conceptions of the national spirit is not a slap...