新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂据称正在研究VR技术 表示安全第一

任天堂据称正在研究VR技术 表示安全第一

Nintendo is said to be studying VR technology to show safety first

2016-07-03 09:09:45来源: 新浪

2016年是VR技术迅速发展的一年,不少游戏厂家都开始将目光放到了VR上,其中就包括一向以游戏创新闻名的任天堂。 最近推特上一个名叫NStyles的日本用户,在推特上直播了任天堂东京股东大会的相关内容,其中包括VR这一话题,看起来他当时就在大会现场。不过任天堂现在还没用公布此次股东大...

2016 is the year of rapid development of VR technology, many game manufacturers have begun to focus on the VR, including Nintendo, which has always been famous for its game innovation. Recently, twitter, a Japanese user named NStyles, tweeted the content of the Nintendo Tokyo shareholders' meeting, including VR, which appeared to be at the conference. However, Nintendo has not yet announced the big shareholder...

标签: 任天堂 VR