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Bluetooth battle system debut "pocket monsters stand-alone version," the new update

2016-06-16 18:15:35来源: 4399

《口袋妖怪单机版》是一款经典的宠物回合制RPG手游,为了让玩家们更好的体验游戏,游戏近期进行了新版本更新,下面一起来看看更新的具体内容! 安卓1.5.0版本更新内容: 1.蓝牙对战系统登场,玩家可面对面实现真人一对一PK对战,赶紧唤出你的神宠战队寻找对手吧; 2.界限突破,宠物等级...

Pokemon stand-alone version of "is a classic pet RPG mobile games, in order to allow better players to experience the game, game recently were the new version update, following up to see the details of updating. Android version 1.5.0 updates: 1. Bluetooth war system is taken to the threshing ground, players can face to face real one to a PK battle, and quickly summons you God pet team look for rival; 2. The boundaries, the level of the pet.