新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史上最萌的VR游戏 《暴力喵喵拳》让你秒变萌猫

史上最萌的VR游戏 《暴力喵喵拳》让你秒变萌猫

Most of VR games in the history of the violent meow meow fist "make you seconds of cats

2016-06-16 20:26:09来源: 任玩堂

各位猫奴们是不是每天都很羡慕猫咪主子可以不用上班每天肆意“破坏”,还有专人负责铲屎投喂啊?近日,一款名为 Catlateral Damage 《暴力喵喵拳》的 VR 游戏走红网络,戴上 VR 眼镜就可以化身猫咪,你的任务也很简单,就是在空间里任意行走、卖萌,尽情地把桌面、架子上的东西都摔...

Every cat slave is envied cat master don't have to go to work every day every day is wanton "destruction", there is someone who's in charge of shoveling shit feeding? Recently, a called Catlateral Damage "violence meow boxing" network of VR games popular wear VR glasses can incarnate the cat, your task is simple, is the random walk, show MOE in space, and dropped the desktop, all things on the shelf...

标签: 游戏 VR