新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气歌姬献唱第十域主题曲 第十域晴空发布

人气歌姬献唱第十域主题曲 第十域晴空发布

Popular song JiXian tenth domain theme song The tenth domain clear sky

2016-06-13 16:30:18来源: 天极网

超级英雄团战MOBA网游《第十域:英雄起源》(简称“D10”)将于6月17日重磅开启不删档测试。其首只主题曲《第十域晴空》也于今日发布!该主题曲是由当红网络人气治愈系歌姬祈inory献唱,其甜美、细腻的嗓音也为《第十域》带来一份不一样的感觉!下面让我们来先睹为快! 《第十域》官网:h...

Super battle YingXiongTuan MOBA games the origin of the 10th domain: hero (hereinafter referred to as "D10") will open on June 17 blockbuster don't delete file test. The first theme song "the tenth domain sky" also published today! The theme song is by the popular network popularity for healing and sing song ji qi inory, their sweet and delicate voice for the tenth domain also bring a different feeling! Let's sneak peek! The tenth domain website: h...