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E3 2016:SE参展游戏阵容全公开 主打大量RPG

The E3 2016:SE exhibition game lineup is all open to a large number of RPG

2016-06-13 16:31:26来源: 逗游网

一年一度的E3火热展开中,明天就要轮到手游大厂Square Enix的发布会了。昨日,SE公布了自己的展会安排与内容。本次SE以大量J-RPG为主打,不过除了万众瞩目的《最终幻想15》和《最终幻想12》HD移植版以外,其他游戏要么是已经发售了日版,要么属于IP衍生作品。展出内容基本都会通...

The annual E3 hot launch, tomorrow will be the hand tour of the big factory Square Enix conference. Yesterday, SE announced its own exhibition arrangement and content. This SE is dominated by a large number of J-RPG, but in addition to the high-profile "Final Fantasy 15" and "Final Fantasy 12" HD transplant version, other games are either sold on the Japanese version or belong to IP derivative works. The contents of the exhibition are basically all through...

标签: 游戏