新关注 > 信息聚合 > 喜欢自由范 搜狗输入法滑行输入让指尖畅享自由

喜欢自由范 搜狗输入法滑行输入让指尖畅享自由

Like the freedom fan Slide sogou input method input to fingertips for unlimited freedom

2016-05-27 19:06:29来源: 参考消息

中新网5月27日电 喜爱搜狗输入法的用户们多是热爱自由的80、90年后们,不喜欢被条条框框束缚,不爱被约束,就爱想走就走的那份冲动。其实,聊天的时候你也可以超级自由哒!搜狗输入法滑行输入就能给你输入上最大程度的自由,同时超高识别率也大大提升了聊天的使用感受! 炎热的夏天真的是随便走走都...

Beijing, May 27 (Reuters) like sogou input method users are 80 and 90 years later, love freedom, do not like to be rules, love bound, love the impulse to come away. In fact, you can also chat super free the dalai! Slide sogou input method input can give you input on the largest degree of freedom, at the same time, high recognition rate also greatly enhanced the use of chat feeling! The hot summer really walk around...