新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说复活控制牧卡组和打法攻略


BFS legend raised controlling grazing card group and game strategy

2016-05-27 18:15:40来源: TechWeb

炉石传说复活控制牧卡组和打法攻略,炉石传说中有些玩家还是比较喜欢牧师的,下面为大家介绍的是玩家分享的控制牧的最佳卡组及打法攻略,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧。 蚕豆网炉石传说交流群:335689350(点击加入) 炉石传说控制牧卡组玩法: 1、牧师的英雄技能可以作为进攻或者是治疗的两种...

BFS legend resurrection control card and game strategy, hearth legend some players like the priest, to introduce the below is the best card players share control animal husbandry group and game strategy, interested in the player and see it together. Fava beans net BFS legend communication group: 335689350 (join) hearth legend control grazing card group play: 1, the priest hero skills can be treated as offensive or two...

标签: 炉石传说