新关注 > 信息聚合 > Dendi成为单个战队效力场数最多的选手


Dendi has become the most effective player in a single field

2016-04-04 13:42:45来源: 游久网

导读在经过莫斯科震中杯欧洲区预选赛的两场比赛后,Dendi在Navi战队的比赛场次攀升至1039场,成功超越Silent在帝国创下1037场的记录.. 在经过莫斯科震中杯欧洲区预选赛的两场比赛后,Dendi在Navi战队的比赛场次攀升至1039场,成功超越Silent在帝国创下103...

After reading in Moscow the cup qualifiers after two games, Dendi in the Navi team matches up to 1039 games, Silent success beyond the record 1037 games in Moscow. After the cup qualifiers after two games in the Empire, in the Dendi Navi team matches up to 1039 field success, beyond Silent hit 103 in empire...