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The watchman pioneer industry conscience: buy system can bring better experience

2016-04-05 10:55:54来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 4月5日消息,《守望先锋》5月24日全球上市,游戏最终选择了与风暴和炉石截然不同的收费方式,为何暴雪在这款力推的FPS游戏上选择了买断制?国外媒体日前通过对游戏总监Jeff Kaplan的采访,做出了这篇对《守望先锋》付费模式的评论。 暴雪在旗下的炉石传说以及风暴英雄上采...

Sina game - April 5 news, "the watchman pioneer" global listings on May 24, the game finally chose and storms and hearth different charging ways, why blizzard on the pushing of FPS game chose to buy out system? Foreign media has been through the game director Jeff Kaplan's interview, made the comments on the watchman pioneer payment model. Blizzard on its hearth hero legend and storm mining...

标签: 守望先锋