新关注 > 信息聚合 > 据传《质量效应:仙女座》早期的游戏录像遭泄露


Reportedly the mass effect: Andromeda early games video was leaked

2016-04-04 22:04:45来源: 逗游网

oGAF的用户所透露的,这个片段(现在已经被删除了)是来自这款游戏的“某个开发者”。这个GIFs展现了游戏中的新喷气背包和克洛根人。 然而,作为业内人士shinobi602评论:“这是2014年底的录像,不是现在的。” 无论如何,我们看到的官方的关于《质量效应:仙女座(Mass ...

OGAF revealed by the user, the fragment (now deleted) is "a developer" from the game. This new jetpack GIFs shows the game and he root. However, as the personage inside course of study shinobi602 comment: "this is a video of the end of 2014, not now." Anyway, we see the official about the Mass effect: Andromeda (Mass...

标签: 游戏