新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天天飞车》新车脉冲新星属性介绍


"Speed" everyday new pulse nova properties is introduced

2016-02-09 14:58:13来源: 4399

《天天飞车》游戏中脉冲新星很受大家喜爱,下面为各位玩家带来天天飞车脉冲新星满级属性,让我们一起来看看新车究竟怎么样,值不值得我们入手。 脉冲新星满级属性 等级:s车 加速度:15.7km/s 最高速度:470km/h 节油性能:36.2km 脉冲新星技能 每拾取1枚金币获得...

"Everyday speed" pulse nova is popular with everyone in the game, the following every day bring you players speed pulse nova full level attributes, let's take a look at what would happen to new car, is worth us started. Level of pulse nova full level attributes: s car acceleration: 15.7 km/s highest speed: 470 km/h oil-saving performance: 36.2 km pulse nova skills Every pick up 1 gold coin to obtain...