新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国外知名视频网站GT宣布关站 网站成立13年

国外知名视频网站GT宣布关站 网站成立13年

Overseas famous video website GT announced the formation of a closed website for 13 years

2016-02-09 14:33:08来源: 新浪

国外知名游戏视频网站Gametrailers在今天宣布关站结束持续了13年的运营。GT在推特上公布了这一消息。 在00年代,随着电视游戏宣传从平面杂志转移到网络,Gametrailers逐渐成为国外游戏玩家获取最新游戏预告片的最佳渠道。不过随着时代的发展,Youtube的崛起和Twi...

Overseas well-known video game website Gametrailers at the end of the closed today announced that lasted for 13 years of operation. GT announced the news on twitter. In 00 s, with the shift from print magazine to network video games propaganda, Gametrailers gradually become foreign players the best channel for the latest game trailer. But with the development of era, the rise of Youtube and Twi...

标签: 视频