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《舰队收藏改》新情报 公开限定版包装系统等

The new intelligence public limited edition of the fleet to collect change packaging system, etc

2016-02-09 11:11:12来源: 电玩巴士

PSV平台游戏《舰队收藏改》电击杂志公开各种新情报,之前引起激烈讨论的UI还是保持原样,此外还公开了限定版包装……游戏仍预定于2月18日发售。 日本网友看后自己动手制作了限定版包装,制作时间为10分。 系统 初期舰娘为从“改スタータ”的川内、神通、那珂三只轻巡中,“CLASSI...

PSV platform game shock magazine fleet collection to various new information publicly, caused fierce debate before the UI still remain the same, in addition also made public limited edition packaging... February 18, is scheduled to launch. Japan's net friend to look after yourself produced a limited edition package, making time for 10 points. Change system early ship niang is from "ス タ ー タ" in sichuan, avatar, that cosette three light patrol, "CLASSI...