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The classic edition of the new shu door new coloured glaze hot start

2016-01-25 12:29:33来源: 新浪

年末巨献,经典回归。2016祝所有玩家万事如意,绿岸网络旗下人气武侠网游《新蜀门》经典版重磅开启,新服【琉璃】等你回归。本次经典蜀门重现江湖,原汁原味武侠风格,怀旧国画古风,经典职业搭配,带你回到那个热血澎湃的烽火时代! 推荐经典新服:经典二区④组【琉璃】 新服入驻 经典再战江湖...

At the end of the blockbuster, the classic regression. Hope everything goes well with all players, 2016 green shore network's popular martial arts games the classic edition of the new shu door very open, new clothing "glass" waiting for you back. The classic shu resurfaced, authentic martial arts style, nostalgic Chinese painting antique, classic occupation is tie-in, take you back to the era of the violence that is passionate about! Recommend classic new dress: (4) group of coloured glaze 】 【 new classic area of clothing in classic war jianghu again...