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中单比打野更强势 LOL时间掌控者艾克使用技巧

In single more strong than wild LOL time dominates the Ike using skills

2016-01-25 14:24:42来源: 新浪

目前英雄联盟随着版本的不断改动,大家发现目前版本似乎刺客英雄逐渐兴起,在路人排位中劫、男刀这类AD中单随处可见,而在比赛上妖姬、狐狸、卡萨丁这类AP刺客似乎更受欢迎,相比于AD刺客,AP刺客的容错率更胜一筹,下面小编就给大家来介绍一位容错率高并且伤害爆炸的AP刺客:中单艾克。 天赋加...

The hero alliance with the constant change of version, we found that the current version seems to be an assassin heroes rise gradually, in the passers-by qualifying time, male knife in this type of AD are visible, and demon ji, fox, in game card advantage such AP assassin appear to be more popular, compared to the AD assassin, AP assassin, better fault tolerance rate of the below small make up to you to introduce a high fault rate and damage explosion of AP assassin: Ike in the list. Talent plus...

标签: LOL