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智慧掌控战局《神魔之战》 巅峰对决永不落幕

Intelligent control of war "the ghost war" had never ending

2016-01-15 19:41:29来源: 不凡游戏网

大型策略RPG手游《神魔之战》,以英雄无敌为故事背景,将欧美复古魔幻风格充分融入到游戏中的每一个细节当中,强调策略与指尖微操相结合的核心玩法,融合特色多元的卡牌、PVE、PVP玩法,开启了一个与众不同的魔幻手游新纪元。 《神魔之战》自测试以来,以其绚丽的游戏场景、华丽的人物设计、酷炫...

Large strategy RPG mobile game, "the ghost war" in the story background of heroes, to Europe and the United States magic style restoring ancient ways is fully incorporated into every detail of the game, stressed that the core of strategy combined with fingertips micro mechanics, the fusion feature multiple CARDS, PVE and PVP game, opened a special magic mobile game of the new era. Since "the ghost war" test, with its gorgeous game scene, ornate character design, cool...