新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虎扑关闭H5游戏频道 上线时间仅一月

虎扑关闭H5游戏频道 上线时间仅一月

Tiger flapping closed H5 games channel online time only in January

2016-01-08 16:08:08来源: 4399

今日,知名体育媒体、社群网站虎扑体育正式关闭了旗下的H5游戏频道,虎扑的用户量巨大,游戏一直是其盈利渠道之一,这次关闭的H5游戏频道仅上线一月。 微游戏是虎扑游戏中心的H5游戏频道,于2015年12月8日正式上线,共推出了7款H5游戏,其生命周期仅为一个月,比起之前滴滴打车旗下的H5游...

Today, well-known sports media, social networks tiger flapping sports officially closed its H5 game channel, tiger flapping of users is huge, the game has been one of its profit channel, the closure of the H5 game channel launched in January only. Micro game is tiger save game center H5 channel, to officially launched on December 8, 2015, 7 H5 game, launched on its life cycle is only a month, compared with drops of a taxi H5 swim before...

标签: 游戏 H5