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魔霸之王英雄机枪少女介绍 机枪少女技能详解

The magic powers of Wang Yingxiong girl machine is introduced Girl skill explanation

2016-01-06 18:02:23来源: 4399

机枪少女是魔霸之王中的远程物理输出,简称ADC,机枪少女拥有强大的被动和超高的爆发输出,使用得当很容易CARRY全场,下面4399阿尔法就来为大家介绍一下这个英雄。 ▍英雄介绍 机枪少女是战争中失去双亲的孤儿,被某佣兵部队所领养,从小就开始接触各种武器。机枪,手雷,火箭筒,无一不精。...

Machine guns girl who is the king of the magic powers of remote physical output, referred to as "ADC, machine gun girl with strong passive and the outbreak of the ultra high output, used properly is easy to CARRY, below 4399 alpha is to introduce the hero for everyone. ▍ hero introduction Machine gun girl is an orphan who lost his parents in the war, was adopted by a mercenary troops, begin to contact all kinds of weapons at an early age. Machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, none is not good. ...