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冬季赛预选赛7日开战 新队能否杀出重围

In winter 7 qualifying war on the new team can deus ex

2016-01-06 12:14:33来源: 游久网

看大图 上海特锦赛中国区预选赛的比赛将于1月7日开战,届时十支队伍将分成两组,每组五支队伍,小组前两名出线进入淘汰赛最终决出两支队伍参加上海特锦赛,赛制和法兰克福特锦赛的赛制一模一样,只是和上一次不同的是这一次预选赛的竞争将更为激烈,秋季赛被直接邀请的LGD由于近来战绩不佳没有能够被...

See larger Shanghai Championship China qualifying game on January 7, war, when ten teams will be divided into two groups, with five teams in each, group two qualification to the knockout ultimately decide two teams to participate in the Shanghai special championship, format and Frankfurt special championship tournament of exactly the same, just with a different is this time qualifying competition will be more intense, autumn race being asked directly to the LGD due to recent poor record not to is...