新关注 > 信息聚合 > 支付宝充100送100,《九天传说》助你嗨到飞


Pay treasure to charge 100 to 100, "nine days legend" help you hi to fly

2016-01-06 17:32:07来源: 不凡游戏网

人物升级、技能升级、阵法调整、装备升级升星、装备品质提升。。元宝不够用? 机会来了,整个1月,凡是支付宝充值100元的玩家都将额外获得价值100元的元宝! 不管你用去干什么,只要能助你榜上提名! 活动时间:1月1日-31日 活动规则: 本次活动范围仅限支付宝充值的玩家, 凭支...

Character upgrades, skills, law adjustment and upgrade rising star, equipment quality equipment to promote.. Wing is not enough to use? In January the opportunity came, the whole, those who pay treasure to top-up $100 players will receive an additional $100 worth of wing! No matter what you use, as long as can help you list the nomination! Activity time: January 1-31 rules: this activity scope only pay treasure to top-up player, with a...