新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国星际无敌?星际2国家杯法国5:0剃秃韩国夺冠


The south Korean star invincible? Starcraft ii tournament they shaving Korean won 5-0 in France

2016-01-06 14:24:54来源: 新浪

在去年暴雪嘉年华上进行的2015WCS暴雪战网世锦赛星际2项目的总决赛中,2013年WCS的卫冕冠军韩国选手sOs苦战七局艰难战胜上届卫冕冠军Life夺得最终总冠军,独揽10万美金冠军奖金,同时也成为了《虫群之心》版本的最后一个国际比赛冠军选手。 星际一直是韩国电竞的招牌,不论是星际...

Blizzard last year carnival on the WCS blizzard diablo world championships 2015 starcraft 2 finals of the project, 2013 WCS defending champion South Korea's sOs bitter difficult over the last seven innings defending champion Life won the final championship, only earn $100000 first prize, also become the heart of the swarm "version of the final champion of international competition. Star has been South Korea e-sports signs, whether the star...