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微胖女神组合携新歌做客聊天 现场大秀演技

Visit chat micro fat goddess combined with a new song The big show

2015-12-25 09:42:12来源: 大众网

被媒体誉为“亚洲玩味女子团体”的微胖女神组合近期为工作异常的忙碌,带着全新EP专辑《管你什么星座》后人气大涨。近来更结缘影视剧工作,首度触电跨界惹人期待。 微胖女神组合因发布新碟《管你什么星座》而频频亮相、通告满满,近日带着新碟做客某音乐访谈节目,节目现场微胖女神组合与主持人以及同门艺...

By the media as "the Asian ponder women's groups" goddess of micro fat combination for recent work abnormal busy, with a new album of EP popularity soared after the tube what you sign. More recently become attached to the film and television play work, for the first time crossover provoking look forward to getting an electric shock. Micro fat goddess combination by releasing new dish tube what you sign and has appeared, announcements, full with a new album recently at a music shows, show the micro fat goddess combination and hosts, and art gate...