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《魔甲时代》二测火爆 美女&机甲塞满全屏

A "magic time" two popular beauty & mecha with full screen

2015-12-21 11:55:10来源: 天极网

主打韩式18禁机甲MMORPG《魔甲时代》已正式开启二次封测,开测当天火爆的人气也表明了玩家们对18禁与机甲题材的热爱程度。除一测老玩家回归之外,新玩家的不断涌入也体现了《魔甲时代》自身魅力,现在就让我们一起来看看世纪天成这款国战网游二测服务器盛况吧! 你问我《魔甲时代》有多火爆?服...

Hit Korean 18 ban mecha MMORPG "a magic era" has been officially opened the second beta, day unpopular popular open test also shows that the players on the 18 ban and mecha themes of love. In addition to a return to the old players outside, new players to the continuous influx also reflects the "a magic time" charm of its own, now let us have a look together Tiancheng century this national war games of the second test server event! You asked me "a magic time" has many hot? Clothing...