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年度压轴《光明传说》今日11:00燃情内测! 开启..

Last year "light legend" 11:00 today, closed beta! Open..

2015-12-21 11:51:34来源: 4399

久等了!久等了!久等了!!!重要的事情说3遍。日系魔幻冒险大作《光明传说》今日(12月21日)11:00强势开启不删档内测!各路强者勇士已经整装待发,《光明传说》真诚邀你一键开启! 《光明传说》安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-91136.html ▍...

Waiting so long! Waiting so long! Waiting so long!!!!!! Important things said 3 times. Japanese fantasy adventure masterpiece "the legend of light today (Dec. 21) 11 strong open don't delete file closed! The strong warriors of all stripes have ready, "the legend of light" sincerely invite you to a key to open! "Light legend" android version download address: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-91136.html ▍...