新关注 > 信息聚合 > 末日大逃亡 强者的崛起 《移动迷宫:焦土试炼》..

末日大逃亡 强者的崛起 《移动迷宫:焦土试炼》..

Great Escape strong rise of Doom "Moving maze: Trial of scorched earth" ..

2015-12-16 18:22:31来源: 4399


Some time ago launched the Hollywood sci-fi film "moving maze 2," the film based on the story before, led the players to explore the secret of human extinction, this is a conspiracy of those in power, or human in order to survive the last struggle everything failed announced. The game Today small to introduce "mobile maze: Trial of scorched earth" is "moving maze 2" official authorized to issue parkour work, which simulates the protagonists in the scorched earth ...