新关注 > 信息聚合 > 与时间赛跑 记时类手机游戏推荐

与时间赛跑 记时类手机游戏推荐

Time and time race type mobile phone games recommended

2015-12-08 09:50:14来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb整理】记时类的游戏一般会给我们带来紧促感和精神上的刺激感。在指定时间内完成任务取得高分便成为这一类型游戏常用的结算方式。小编只想说青春有限,在有限的青春时间内完成无限多的游戏任务,成就感真是妥妥的没话说了!小艾今天就为大家介绍几款记时类手机游戏,让我们的生活紧张起来吧! ...

[TechWeb] the game finishing time will bring us some sense and spiritual stimulation. Complete the task to get high scores has become a commonly used method of settlement of this type of game within the specified time. Xiaobian want to say youth is limited, complete infinite game task in the limited time of youth, the sense of achievement is duly completed no words! Iverson today I will introduce several timing type mobile phone games, let our life tense up! ...

标签: 游戏