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Google Play发布2015最佳游戏名单,地区差异明显

Google Play Best Game 2015 release list, significant regional differences

2015-12-08 09:34:34来源: 新浪

Google Play近日发布了“Best of 2015”系列榜单,与App Store类似,Google Play在不同的国家和地区也有商店区域限制,各地区商店的榜单中大多评出了30至50款2015年年度游戏,而不同地区的榜单内容差异比数量差距更加明显。 《部落冲突》《炉石传说》...

Google Play recently released "Best of 2015" series list, similar to the App Store, Google Play in different countries and regions also have regional restrictions shops, each region of the list in most stores named its 30-50 year models 2015 game, and list the contents of regional differences more pronounced than the number of gaps. "Tribal conflict" "Hearthstone legend" ...

标签: 游戏