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不要骗我玩萨满 炉石传说暴力鱼人萨卡组分享

Don't lie to me to play the shaman hearth tales share violence, groups of fish

2015-12-04 23:08:22来源: 4399

炉石传说探险者协会推出之后,一些新卡得到了大家的关注,其中就有鱼人恩典这张卡,下面就让4399简木为大家带来一套围绕鱼人恩典组成的鱼人萨卡组。 卡组思路 莫格顿博士必留,换到术士技能就赚大了,其他贼法师也行。 比术士有优势的地方在于4费的灵魂行者可以在4、5费没办法斩杀的时候疯狂过...

BFS explorers association launched after the legend, some new card got everyone's attention, including fish people grace this card, let 4399 simple tree to bring us a around Ithaca, groups of fish man of grace. Card set of ideas Mogget, Dr Will stay in warlock spell to make big, other rogue mage. Have advantage than the warlock is 4 spirit walker can be in 4 or 5 fee can't slay the crazy too...

标签: 炉石传说