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In front of the high note "Eyre light" Adorable bunny.

2015-12-04 20:47:56来源: 新浪

2015超人气3D漫画格斗网游《艾尔之光》以清新的画面、萌系的人设,爽快的战斗体验、激烈的PVP对战等特色深受国内外玩家的喜爱! 游戏内华丽多变的时装玩法也是其一大特点。在不同节日或季节,都会推出当季最流行的服饰装扮,供玩家们选择。在本周,《艾尔之光》又推出了一款萌爆的时装,邦尼兔!...

2015 - Al popular 3D cartoon fighting games "light" to fresh picture, Meng Department of backstory, readily combat experience, intense PVP characteristics of the war by the domestic and foreign players like! The game is gorgeous and varied fashion play is also one of its major characteristics. In different festivals or seasons, will be launched as the season's most popular dress dress, for the players to choose. In this week, "Eyre light" has launched a burst of fashion adorable Bunny! ...