新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昔日辉煌今不再 18家消散的著名游戏工作室

昔日辉煌今不再 18家消散的著名游戏工作室

Former glory today no longer 18 famous game studios to dissipate

2015-12-05 08:08:34来源: 17173


Due to various reasons, some game studios had to shrink, control spending, some number of jobs, some were forced to interrupt or cancel the original game project, and the result that the worst is caused by a number of well-known game studios fail, in it, even some of the old studio eventually be dissolution of bad luck. The studio has produced some still have a large number of die-hard powder of the game, such as radiation, gourmet coaster, bloodshed...

标签: 游戏