新关注 > 信息聚合 > AG平台启用3D新技术推《捕鱼王》敬请期待!


AG platform enable 3 d technology push "fishing king" please look!

2015-12-04 16:02:35来源: 科技讯

最新推出的AG平台3D捕鱼王是一款集多项先进页游技术于一身的大型在线页游游戏,玩家不需要下载端口直接登陆你的IE打开网页就可以玩,画面相当精美立体感强游戏操作简单! 该游戏采用最新3D效果技术,还原3D深海原景,能够给玩家带来更立体化、更直观震撼的游戏体验。最重要的是,该游戏的开发设...

New platform for the AG 3 d fishing king page is a collection of a number of advanced swam technology in one large online page of the game, players don't need to download the port directly login to your IE to open the web page might even have time to play, which is fine stereo sense is strong games operation is simple! The game using the latest 3 d technology, restore the 3 d deep haiyuan scene, can give the player more three-dimensional, visual shock of gaming experience. The most important of all, the game's development...