新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄时刻视频大赛正式启动 超多大奖等你抱走

英雄时刻视频大赛正式启动 超多大奖等你抱走

Hero time video contest officially launched the super grand prize waiting for you to go

2015-12-04 17:56:11来源: 电玩巴士

英雄时刻视频大赛第三期正式启动,活动时间12月2日~12月13日。本次大赛同样带来超多史诗级皮肤奖励、超高价值外设装备,静候LOL玩家任性带走! 参与奖励方式: 1、活动期间成功录制并上传英雄时刻的玩家,到页面报名提交即可获得1次抽奖奖励机会(每日1次)有机会获得非期限皮肤、7天...

Hero time video contest officially launched the third phase of the event in December 2nd ~12 13. The contest also bring much super epic skin reward, super high value of peripheral equipment, wait for lol players self willed away! In reward: 1, activity during successful recorded and uploaded the heroic moment internationally, to the registration page submission can get 1 draw incentive opportunities (day 1) have the opportunity to obtain non term skin, 7 days...

标签: 视频