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天龙3D资料片:新职峨眉 能攻能奶是否太逆天?

The dragon 3 d expansion: emei in your new position Can go against attack can milk is too?

2015-11-26 11:39:24来源: 17173

11月25日,《天龙八部3D》新资料片“风起峨眉”上线。据悉,本次资料片将新增首个加血门派“峨眉”,并推出继承自端游的暗器系统。届时游戏中还会有新服直升80级等活动。 新门派“峨眉”会给游戏带来什么样的变化?暗器系统的加入会让玩家更花钱么?《天龙八部3D》项目组接受17173专访,为...

On November 25, "tian long ba bu 3 d" the expansion "the wind emei" online. It is reported, this expansion will first add new blood factions "emei", and inherited from the concealed weapon system. When the game there will be new clothing helicopter level 80 and other activities. New factions "emei" what kind of change will bring to the game? Concealed weapon system to join will make players more money? "Tian long ba bu 3 d team to accept 17173 interview, as...