新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家评论:九城拿下CF2国服代理权


Game player comments: take CF2 nine national service agency

2015-11-26 12:00:23来源: 17173

昨天夜里(11月25日),九城宣布其旗下与360的合资公司以总计5亿美元(约合31.9亿元人民币)的巨额代理费用拿下了《穿越火线2》中国地区代理权。这个代理消息发布后,一时之间引发了众多玩家的热议。 其中既有感叹九城居然有这么多钱拿下《穿越火线2》,也有对九城能否将《穿越火线2》成功...

Last night (November 25th), NINETOWNS announced its 360 joint venture with a total of $500 million (about 3 billion 190 million yuan) of the huge agency costs won the "Cross Fire 2" China area agency. This agent after the news release, a time triggered a large number of players of the hot. Both of them have so much lamented NINETOWNS money under the "Cross Fire 2", also have to 9 cities can be Cross Fire 2 "success"...

标签: 玩家 CF