新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新版大起底:《全球使命2》飓风突袭集中营!


The new big bottom: "global mission 2" hurricane raid camp!

2015-11-24 12:23:18来源: 多玩游戏

《全球使命2》新版本、新地图、新系统本周飓风突袭!精悍的PVE地图,需攻陷触目惊心的集中营才能解救战俘。庞大的PVP匹配系统则能帮助玩家快速匹配战友一起冲锋陷阵! 飓风突袭 解救战俘营 新地图以国联战士为解救战友向西伯利亚北部的安盟战俘营地发起了突袭为开端,当玩家冲入战俘营地,被...

"Global mission 2" the new version, new maps, new system hurricane strike this week! Lean PVE maps, to be compromised shocking can cure the pow camp. Huge PVP match system can help players quickly match friends the charge! Hurricane raid Save a pow New map with the league of nations soldiers to rescue workers launched a raid to Siberia groupama pow camp in the north, to start, when the player into camp, be...