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Tencent live cloud power dragon e-sports industry into a dark horse

2015-11-24 16:12:08来源: IT168

“云计算,是一种开放的态度,更是开放的能力,这个能力不仅是资源与服务的整合,也包括运营经验的提炼。使用云计算的过程,就是体验互联网运营商一流平台的一个过程,这个过程是非常享受的。” ——龙珠直播CTO谭振林 日前,国内知名游戏、电竞赛事直播平台——龙珠直播CTO谭振林做客由腾讯云...

"Cloud computing, is an open attitude, more open ability, this ability is not only the integration of resources and services, including extraction of operating experience. The use of cloud computing process, first-class platform is to experience the Internet operators of a process, this process is very enjoy." Live - dragon CTO Tan Zhenlin recently, domestic well-known game live, live tournament platform - dragon CTO Tan Zhenlin guest by tencent cloud...

标签: 腾讯 电竞 直播