新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宅男最爱 盘点那些爆乳元素浓郁的卖肉游戏

宅男最爱 盘点那些爆乳元素浓郁的卖肉游戏

Otaku favorite Count those elements burst milk rich game meat

2015-11-24 13:36:41来源: 游久网

【游久网11月24日消息】说起宅男玩家最爱的游戏类型,那必须是美少女游戏了,而其这种,带有“爆乳”元素的无疑更受他们期待。在如今这个游戏年代,想要销量出色,不卖点肉怎么能行?现在,小编就给大家盘点一下那些爆乳元素浓郁的游戏。 那些爆乳元素浓郁的卖肉游戏 《闪乱神乐NewWave》...

[Long travel news network November 24] Speaking of otaku players favorite type of game, it must be a beautiful girl game, while its this, with a "burst milk" element is undoubtedly more affected by their expectations. In today's game, you want good sales not selling meat how can do it? Now, Xiao Bian gave you milk inventory of those critical elements of a rich game. Those elements rich meat burst milk game "flash chaos Kagura NewWave" ...

标签: 游戏