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西山居《猎魔军团》专访爆料 欲吸引二次元用户

Westhouse the devil hunter corps "broke the news interview want to attract the second element of the user

2015-11-23 11:23:15来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 11月23日消息,西山居公布的全新冒险网游《猎魔军团》将于11月26日开启首次测试,这款游戏因其清新明亮的日系幻想画风也引起了玩家的关注。非剑侠系的新品有着怎样的定位与特色设定?新浪游戏日前采访到了项目组,他们带来《猎魔军团》的详细揭秘。 据悉,《猎魔军团》在吸引经典网游...

Sina game news news on November 23, Westhouse released a new adventure swims" demon hunting Legion "will open on November 26 to test for the first time, this game because of its fresh and bright, fantasy style also caused attention internationally. The Department has a new non combined positioning and features of how to set? Sina game recently interviewed the project team, they bring the magic of the Legion, the details of the secret. It is reported that, "hunting devil Legion" in the attraction of the classic online games...