新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有热度更有态度 《新流星搜剑录》推H5寻找五千分..

有热度更有态度 《新流星搜剑录》推H5寻找五千分..

Heat more attitude the new meteor search sword recorded "push H5 for 5000..

2015-11-20 14:56:23来源: 多玩游戏


Tencent's first cold weapon fighting games the new meteor search sword recorded" (referred to as: new meteor) today released its first mysterious H5 page, fusion of the recently launched the theme of talent, enthusiasm, persistence, fairness, to planning the identity of the mm to the player a taste test letter. And ultimately the right to answer all the questions of the planning MM players, then have the opportunity to become the core of the global 1/5000 players, won the November 25th opening of the knife light seal...

标签: H5