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XY game "Legend of the golden age" beta interesting data

2015-11-17 14:26:38来源: 07073游戏网

玛法大陆风云起,XY游戏《传奇盛世》东瀛猪王领携众小猪,与玩家上演史上“最贵猪肉”对抗战。在这势如急风的人猪大战中,将发生哪些神奇的事情呢?且看小编为大家奉上,XY游戏《传奇盛世》公测趣味数据盘点吧! 天价“猪”肉:官方推出10000元宝福利 继青岛天价虾后,XY游戏《传奇盛世》...

marfa mainland situation, XY game "legend Shengshi" Japan pig King collar carrying all the pigs, staged history "the most expensive pork" of the war of resistance against Japan and internationally. In this potential, such as acute wind of the pig war will occur what amazing things it? Look at Xiaobian for you to offer, XY game "Legend of the golden age" beta interest inventory data.! price "pig" meat: official launch of 10000 ingot welfare following the Qingdao price shrimp, XY game the odd spirit "...

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