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补兵推塔拿人头 突击英雄新版本解析

Creeps to push the tower took the head assault hero a new version of the analytical

2015-11-17 14:22:21来源: 新浪

网易革新全英雄射击网游《突击英雄》11月20日革新内测,本次内测将深化MOBA玩法,围绕MOBA大战场,在英雄、枪械、地图、模式等4个方面进行全方位升级,让FPS游戏拥有更多MOBA乐趣! 【新枪械 超近战武器威力惊人】 新版本将推出四种新的武器,等离子突击刃是用行星吞噬者的装甲...

Netease reform heroes shooting games "assault heroes" on November 20, innovation beta, the closed beta will deepen MoBa play, around the MoBa battleground, in four aspects of the hero, firearms, map, and the model of the of all-round upgrade. FPS games have more fun MoBa! [new firearms super melee weapon is incredibly powerful] new version will launch four new weapons and assault plasma blade is by the planet devourer armor...