新关注 > 信息聚合 > 请收下膝盖!考据帝终极解密《魔兽》电影预告


Please accept my knee! Textual emperor ultimate decryption Warcraft Movie Trailer before

2015-11-17 15:12:07来源: 17173


Blizzard exposed "world of Warcraft" film advance (commonly known as "Teaser Trailer") when, 17173 had done a frame by frame analysis. But after all that notice is only 15 seconds, see only a small part, many are relying on information and speculation Lenovo completed. Finally in shortly before the Blizzcon, we saw the trailer a total length of 2 minutes and 10 seconds to complete, and this finally have the world of Warcraft "ashes powder", "Uncle party" and "textual research, Emperor station...

标签: 电影